Thursday, February 28, 2013

Cowtown 5K.

I raced on Saturday. And it's Thursday.

Forgive me.

BUT - Saturday Dad and I ran the Cowtown 5k!


The Cowtown is one of my favorite races - probably top two (with Bolder Boulder! Racers, seriously, check it out. It's the best 10K EVER - and you get to run by the Rocky Mountains the WHOLE race! Win win!) 

Anyway - back to the race, as I said in earlier posts - this was my first race of the year and my, my did it feel good! I'm with everyone else who kind of blows 5Ks off (you know who you are!) because they're short and usually filled with a TON of walkers - but, this one was special. I got to run with my favorite cheerleader (seriously, dads are the BEST!) and it was just like riding a bike. You don't forget how that feels.

Running has been a huge part of who I've become and who I'm continuing to be. (yup, that felt as cheesy as it sounds, but I don't care!) I've changed my life through running and have definitely learned a lot through getting hurt. 

My dad keeps telling me that he only became a good runner after getting hurt.

-Here's to becoming a good runner!-


Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Today I'm dreaming about:

Realistically? Not going to happen. I'm too poor as of right now.

Yesterday, while at school - I was talking to my friend James in out photo studio. Another girl, who I don't know, was in there working on her stuff. I told James that our architecture teacher told me that a Canon 5D Mark ii would be my best option if I wanted to pursue architecture photography. (I do.) 

I was merely stating how much I wanted the camera (if financially able) and the girl whips around and starts in on this whole schpeel (I'm sure that's not how you spell that ha!) about how much of a dream that is, and all the costs that I'll have before I graduate.

Although I appreciate the "heads up" - I didn't really appreciate her butting in and telling me what I'm DREAMING about is wrong or silly. Not really your place, lady. 

Money is something that I struggle with - wanting a lot of things, but knowing it's not realistic - and I've always kind of believed that money shouldn't be spent on me. I'm not really sure why - I guess I think I don't deserve it or something? Anyway, it's been a daily thing for me to put that aside (or try to) and fully believe that I'm worth being taken care of and that it will be taken care of. 
Jesus provides all of our needs!

Just prayin' for provision today.

Going for a run - I hope you guys have a great day!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hoops, Rockies and Pin-up.

Today was pretty good.
I had a really good banjo lesson. (betcha not many people
can say that!)
I dressed this :
The Jayhawk watch belonged to my grandpa who passed away
about a year ago - so it's very special to me!
School consisted of:
We shot pin-ups!
This was my first pin-up shoot - and honestly, I kind of
liked it a lot.
Not the overly sexual tones of it, but the light
and fun atmosphere that some pin-up can create!
I'm driving home tonight for some much needed time off - and hopefully coming back
on Saturday and running the COWTOWN 5k!
I've been hurt since my last half marathon, last December, so this will
be my first race since my injury! It's kind of a "back to square
one" thing.
It's been tough, but I think it'll make me better in the long run.
Have a wonderful weekend lovelies!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happy Birthday - and another obsession..

I know no one else cares, but..

Happy Birthday to Ansel Adams! 

If you don't know who that is..I'll educate you:


If you're a landscape photographer - give up. This man will always have
 you beat. Just sayin'.

(okay, don't give up - but seriously - look up this guy. His pictures

That ^ one is on my wall. In love.

Also - look up Richard Avedon. 
He's like IT when it comes to fashion & celebrities. And
even real people.
(was it..uh, he died a few years ago - booooooo..)

(Wasn't Liam Neeson a HUNK? Wow.)

Two creative geniuses at the opposite ends of the
spectrum - but I'm completely inspired :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Since moving after college, I - like many people - have had a hard time making friends. I knew a few people through college and got invited to a "Bachelor" watch party every Monday with some of them. Tonight I've been informed that I offended them by "some comments I've made". I don't know what I've said - because the informant made the conversation about the "awkward position" she's been put in by this conversation.

Then don't have this conversation? 

Granted, I don't think those girls were going to be life-long pals of mine. I didn't quite fit. But, it was nice to have people to be with one night a week. 

But, that hurts. I probably said some off-handed comment that they took completely wrong (which has happened before - my sense of humor is weird when I'm uncomfortable.) 

I feel like every time I take a step forward I'm pushed back 12 steps. 

My best friends have both told me tonight that "those aren't the people you should hangout with then". Easy for people with friends to say.

I don't want to do that to myself. To hang out with people just because I don't want to be alone every night. 

"Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than with bad company". 

I mean, they probably aren't bad people.
But I'll never know.

Because they made a judgement on me without knowing me. 

One of these days someone will "get me". Right now, I'm going to stick with my family and best friends. Even if they aren't physically with me everyday.

Introductions are in order..

My name is Caitlin! 
I'm a 20-something (by the way, I hate the phrase
"20-something" - I'm just using it for "security measures"!) art
school student, who's trying to figure out the world.

A couple of things you need to know about me:


1. I once fell off a one story house onto a pile of snow. 
My dad thought I had died, but I really was just dying laughing.

2. I say "y'all" like a Southerner and "boat" like a Northerner.
It's a product of moving around a lot as a kid.

3. I've had the same best friend since I was 6. She's awesome!

4. As a kid I dreamed of being a lifeguard (obviously because of the Sandlot- hello! Haha) and for
two years in high school I was one. Turns out, I was half terrified (who in the world
would trust me with their children?!) and half absolutely loving it (because
of the killer tan I got!). 

5. I've played four instruments in my life - piano, flute, guitar & banjo. The first three I was
terrible at - and the fourth? I've been taking lessons for three months &
I think I've found my musical soulmate.

6. I've had the same favorite song and favorite movie for as long as I can remember.
"Free Fallin'" by Tom Petty and "Beauty and the Beast". 
Best ever.

7. I have an obsession with running shoes and with boots. If I didn't have to wear anything
else, I'd be okay.

8. Most people HATE the grocery store - I LOVE it. The possibilities of all
that food? Kills me.

9. I hate starting something I can't finish. I feel like I'm letting everyone down. So,
usually I don't start anything I don't want to give 110% to.

10. I am obsessed with my niece and nephew like they were my
own children. You'll probably get sick of how much 
I'll talk about them on here :)


That's enough for now.

Pretty much I'm all about : God, family, football, 
art, banjo, and running.

And I love corny jokes. 

Let's start this journey, shall we?
