Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I'm really not good at this blogging thing..

and you'd think I would be - because I journal EVERY night before I go to sleep. Then again, it's never long and usually it's run on or half sentences.


There's been a flurry of activity in my life lately. My grandma and great grandma have been hanging out at my parents house - and I've seen them twice since they got here! (SUPER thankful for a sweet momma who encourages me to come home on a day where I was going to sulk around because I didn't get called into work! Yes, I sulk if I don't get called into work. Don't judge)

My 75 year old grandmother on the left and 94 year old great grandmother! Aren't they just the cutest ever?! Speaking of - I walked into the living room over the weekend and my niece and GG were sitting on the couch - my GG is a BOSS when it comes to crochet-ing and needlepoint - and my niece was sitting next to her just asking cute little, of course I took a picture : 

Almost a 90 year age difference. SO sweet.

Also. Nephew is ballin'. And the cutest EVER. Ladies, watch out in 17 years - he'll be breakin' hearts all over the world :) 

I joined a small group at the church I've been semi (now regularly) going to - and the girls are AWESOME . I feel very blessed and encouraged every time we hang out!

Two weeks ago, after bible study, we went to the bar. Hello, that's how you do it in the South :) Brandon Rhyder was playing - he's pretty dang good my friends!

Yesterday the group and I went to see the Rangers WHOOP on the White Sox. 10-5. Obvi. 

It was so much fun! We talked and laughed and drank - I mean really, what's better?! Baseball games make me feel like summer is really here!

I could talk for forever, but I really need to get some sleep.
I'll talk tomorrow :) <3

Sunday, April 7, 2013 birthday was over two weeks ago, but..

I haven't updated in a while. I started a new job at the beginning of March and a school quarter (it's like a semester) ended and one started. So, needless to say, I've been busy.

My 23rd birthday was the 20th. I was at school for most of the day, so dinner with my friends happened later. It was fun. And yummy!

My parent's came that weekend. I decided for my birthday that I wanted to run a race. Friday night before the race consisted of carb-loading (favorite part!) and this:

I got a RECORD PLAYER! I'm so excited about it! My parents are the coolest :)

Saturday was the Lone Star 10k, which started and finished at Rangers stadium! It was cool and rainy - we had a 45 minute rain delay. Boo.

But as my first race back (let's be honest, the Cowtown 5k doesn't exactly count haha.) I felt strong and capable! We had lots of fun! I finished 8th in my age group.

As a second part of my birthday extravaganza, we went to IKEA! AKA the BEST place in the ENTIRE world! My obsession with IKEA is silly, but it's so creative and Swedish (I'm Swedish!) - it never gets old. And we did a little bit of clothes shopping also! I recently (over the last 9 months) have lost at least 20 pounds (I don't believe in scales, so I don't really know the exact number!) and so a lot of my clothes don't fit. My parents are the best and these joined my closet:

I spent the next week (my spring break) working the first part of the week and lounging at my parents Thursday - Monday morning. Sunday was Easter : 

*Mandatory Easter outfit pictures!*
It was really nice to just relax with my two favorite people. I realized that I don't need the "all out party" Spring Break - although, I've never really been that person anyway - so it was perfect.

While on my Spring break, dad gave me this photo taken at the finish line of the Lone Star:

We're totally cute, right?

And, the last couple weeks have been full of a new school semester, so not a whole lot of pictures coming out of that! But, I'll be shooting more soon - because, you know, I'm in photography school and everything..I probably should shoot a little :)

Today consisted of a wonderful church service in Waco and lunch at Logan's with my parents. I had this "onion bloom" thing and oh my lanta, I wish I was eating more now! It was so delicious!

have a great week!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday's Letters.

Dear Uncle Si, I love you.

Partly because I wanted to call everyone a heffer this week (finals for the semester - yuck!) and partly because,'re obviously funny.

Dear world,

When I say I have a race - it's not always a marathon. 
It's flattering, but not true.

Speaking of, dear whoever wrote this,


I think if it took me 40 minutes to run a mile? I'd quit then and there.

Dear baby daddy,



Dear Future Husband,


I hope you're handy, because this will happen.

Have a wonderful weekend <3

Monday, March 18, 2013

Birthday (runner) wish list!

I love that. Because it's so true.
This week's running schedule? 45-50 minutes twice this week, and really hope that I'm not hurting for Saturdays race!
I really don't think I'll hurt, but I'm going to be nice and careful - just in case!

Since we're on the subject of running - AND my BIRTHDAY is on Wednesday - let's talk about the running gear I'd LOVE for my birthday:

minimus runner 15mar13.JPG.jpg
New Balance Minimus are DEFINITELY my shoes of choice! The shoes fit like a dream and the colors (mens and womens! I've worn both) are SICK!


I would wear this OUT. 


And cute compression socks.
I haven't decided from where yet..when I do, I'll let you know!

I hope everyone had a great Monday! 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

I ran for an hour!


Definitely not my best run ever - but it was SUPER nice to work hard and feel pretty good afterward! Looking forward to the Lone Star 10K next Saturday! 

Hope everyone else is enjoying their weekend!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'.

Wishing: That my school semester was OVER. (it's super possible that I'm SUPER burnt out!) 
              For my ankles to feel better - SO tired of being hurt :( 
              For a sweeeeeet birthday. (23 next Tuesday - CRAZY!)
Listening: to The Walking Dead. And watching it too. LOVE.

Lusting: After new running clothes. And these sneakers: 

In EVERY color.

Waiting: For the quarter to be over - I need a break! 
             For my prince charming. Just kidding, I ain't waiting around for that!
Thinking: About my birthday and about my ankles. Yup, I'm one-track minded today folks!

Working: On final projects. And trying to work hard - because being poor is NOT fun! 

Reminiscing: About past birthdays. 
                    About when I wasn't hurt.
                   And I've been thinking about high school a lot lately. I definitely don't want to go back, but it's just             
                   been in the back of my mind! 

Hoping: That my bike ride later today will be as glorious as I'm thinking it will be! I may be hurtin', but that's
             definitely not stopping me from working out! 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Secret talent.

You know what's fun?

Finding Play-doh in your house.

Because Play-doh + my secret talent =

Yup. I can make roses out of Play-doh.

Feel free to be amazed. 


In other news, a little in love with



Yeah, you'll be in love too after watching THIS VIDEO!

Funny, cute and he works out?

Sign me up.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Today I like..

This song. I can't get enough.

This picture of my nephew from my wonderful weekend. 
My sister kissed him. I miss him already.

This picture. This handsome guy's birthday is today!

Encouraging and sweet text messages from
my biggest cheerleader!

Whoever made this, you are funny.

This one too.
It makes me giggle.

I decided to tell you all the things I liked about today instead of talking about the crap run I just had. I may have overworked myself the past couple of days, so tonight will just be a relaxation time. Bring on the food and bad tv :) 

Speaking of bad tv..

sean catherine 660 ABC.jpg

CLEARLY the best choice. Lindsay always sounded drunk to me. #teamcatherine


Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I started a new job today.

And this is about as exciting as it got :) 

Also, LOVE this SONG!



Yup, just like every other American - I've gotten sucked into WD.

It's just too good.


Monday, March 4, 2013

Kids have redeeming qualities.

Yesterday was an awful day at work. It was my last day at a job that would literally make me mad and make my stomach hurt I didn't like it that much.

I had the great pleasure (*cough*yeah right*cough*) of meeting some gypsy girls. I don't know if you've all seen My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding on TLC (google it if you haven't) - but they're exactly how they act on that show! AWFUL. It was a group of 7-8 girls, all under the age of 12 - dressed to the nines, with designer EVERYTHING. These little girls were pulling 20s out of their wallets - at their age, I barely had 5 bucks!! If you don't know what I'm talking about, this blog gives more information. story isn't about them - I'm glad it isn't.
After making a HUGE mess and fighting (no joke - one called another the b word VERY loudly!), they finally left. I was extremely embarrassed and flustered. A mother and son were sitting nearby, and I apologized a few times. The mom said it was not my fault.

A few minutes passed and while I was cleaning up the mess, her son starting talking to me. He said, "you know this place is unfair". I said "oh yeah, whys that?" - to which he replied, "you're the only one working!" Sighing & thinking that was adorable, I told him there was good news - that this was my last day working there. His face lit up and he said "you know, that IS good news".

It's nice to know that all little kids aren't spoiled and act like terrors. There's still good in this world.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Girl crush.


She's gorgeous.

credit : here

My heart is full.

First of all, this is funny :

Second, I know it's not the end of the weekend yet - but I need to talk about my weekend! My sweet friends, Justin and Caitlin got married yesterday!

Spent Friday night in Abilene with most of my crew from college - we had rehersal and dinner at this "four star" hotel. You walked in and it was like the River Walk. Ridiculous. After, the boys and girls parted ways for the night - ours was spent chatting, eating ice cream and staying up too late! (#oldgrandmaalert)

Saturday came way too fast, and we got up early to prepare everything for the BIG day! It was a beautiful and happy day - and it was the first time in my friendship with Justin (four years - crazy!) that I saw him cry! During his vows, of course - it was so cute!

More pictures from the reception :

The weekend was spent with my sorority sisters - well, ex sorority sisters - my lovely friends, let's just call them that! Haha. It was nice to be around girls who love the Lord and are hilarious and gorgeous besides!

After the reception, a bunch of us drove to our old college campus for Spring Sing. Spring Sing is a show that the Greek organizations put on every year - complete with singing, dancing and acting! It's usually pretty fun, and it was cool to be in the audience for once!

Hahahaha. Oh Lordy. I love that picture! Our sororities show was "The Bachelor : Princess Edition"

(Princesses : Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Mulan, Belle and Snow White - also known as Ashley, Molly, Anna, Courtney and Jacee - I LOVE YALL!)

Oh! You're probably still wondering about that picture ^ up there - well, there's a skit on SNL (watch here!)
They pretended she was part of the story, vying for the Bachelor's attention - and ultimately won! My friend Maddi had us CRYING we were laughing so hard! She killed it!

The girls got second and the audience choice award! I was very proud!

A picture of the alumni that came to support last night!

It was a great weekend - full of love, friendship, laughter and every other cheesy word possible! I'm really glad that I went!


Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday's Letters.

Dear Passenger,
IN LOVE with "Let Her Go".

Dear Jennifer Lawerence,

Pinned Image

You have better comebacks than anyone. ILOVEYOU. Be my best friend?

Dear Justin and Caitlin,
I'm so happy to be spending tonight and tomorrow celebrating y'alls love. Also, college friend reunions are the BEST.

Dear whoever came up with this,

Pinned Image

I giggle everytime I look at it. You win.

Dear Chi Running,

I'm excited to see where you take me. Hopefully I'll become the best runner I can be! (#cheesy)

Happy Friday!


Thursday, February 28, 2013

Cowtown 5K.

I raced on Saturday. And it's Thursday.

Forgive me.

BUT - Saturday Dad and I ran the Cowtown 5k!


The Cowtown is one of my favorite races - probably top two (with Bolder Boulder! Racers, seriously, check it out. It's the best 10K EVER - and you get to run by the Rocky Mountains the WHOLE race! Win win!) 

Anyway - back to the race, as I said in earlier posts - this was my first race of the year and my, my did it feel good! I'm with everyone else who kind of blows 5Ks off (you know who you are!) because they're short and usually filled with a TON of walkers - but, this one was special. I got to run with my favorite cheerleader (seriously, dads are the BEST!) and it was just like riding a bike. You don't forget how that feels.

Running has been a huge part of who I've become and who I'm continuing to be. (yup, that felt as cheesy as it sounds, but I don't care!) I've changed my life through running and have definitely learned a lot through getting hurt. 

My dad keeps telling me that he only became a good runner after getting hurt.

-Here's to becoming a good runner!-
