Monday, March 4, 2013

Kids have redeeming qualities.

Yesterday was an awful day at work. It was my last day at a job that would literally make me mad and make my stomach hurt I didn't like it that much.

I had the great pleasure (*cough*yeah right*cough*) of meeting some gypsy girls. I don't know if you've all seen My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding on TLC (google it if you haven't) - but they're exactly how they act on that show! AWFUL. It was a group of 7-8 girls, all under the age of 12 - dressed to the nines, with designer EVERYTHING. These little girls were pulling 20s out of their wallets - at their age, I barely had 5 bucks!! If you don't know what I'm talking about, this blog gives more information. story isn't about them - I'm glad it isn't.
After making a HUGE mess and fighting (no joke - one called another the b word VERY loudly!), they finally left. I was extremely embarrassed and flustered. A mother and son were sitting nearby, and I apologized a few times. The mom said it was not my fault.

A few minutes passed and while I was cleaning up the mess, her son starting talking to me. He said, "you know this place is unfair". I said "oh yeah, whys that?" - to which he replied, "you're the only one working!" Sighing & thinking that was adorable, I told him there was good news - that this was my last day working there. His face lit up and he said "you know, that IS good news".

It's nice to know that all little kids aren't spoiled and act like terrors. There's still good in this world.


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