Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Introductions are in order..

My name is Caitlin! 
I'm a 20-something (by the way, I hate the phrase
"20-something" - I'm just using it for "security measures"!) art
school student, who's trying to figure out the world.

A couple of things you need to know about me:


1. I once fell off a one story house onto a pile of snow. 
My dad thought I had died, but I really was just dying laughing.

2. I say "y'all" like a Southerner and "boat" like a Northerner.
It's a product of moving around a lot as a kid.

3. I've had the same best friend since I was 6. She's awesome!

4. As a kid I dreamed of being a lifeguard (obviously because of the Sandlot- hello! Haha) and for
two years in high school I was one. Turns out, I was half terrified (who in the world
would trust me with their children?!) and half absolutely loving it (because
of the killer tan I got!). 

5. I've played four instruments in my life - piano, flute, guitar & banjo. The first three I was
terrible at - and the fourth? I've been taking lessons for three months &
I think I've found my musical soulmate.

6. I've had the same favorite song and favorite movie for as long as I can remember.
"Free Fallin'" by Tom Petty and "Beauty and the Beast". 
Best ever.

7. I have an obsession with running shoes and with boots. If I didn't have to wear anything
else, I'd be okay.

8. Most people HATE the grocery store - I LOVE it. The possibilities of all
that food? Kills me.

9. I hate starting something I can't finish. I feel like I'm letting everyone down. So,
usually I don't start anything I don't want to give 110% to.

10. I am obsessed with my niece and nephew like they were my
own children. You'll probably get sick of how much 
I'll talk about them on here :)


That's enough for now.

Pretty much I'm all about : God, family, football, 
art, banjo, and running.

And I love corny jokes. 

Let's start this journey, shall we?


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